The Daily Digital

Chronicling the lives of the Kramer beagles and their hard-working domestic help.

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Kissy kissy

Posted by laurie on May 20, 2010

For over half our marriage I had to “remind” Phillip to get a haircut. He hated going to the barber, and his “too long” light came on way after mine. This made for a bit of a struggle. Until he discovered that one of the women he works with cuts hair on the side! So now SHE gets to “remind” him that it’s time for a cut. He grabs a hospital sheet and he has his hair cut in his office! I am completely out of the loop and that’s how I like it.

11 Responses to “Kissy kissy”

  1. Luana and Cody said

    What a precious “Me and My Daddy” picture!

  2. Scott and Scout said

    At least beagles don’t need to be groomed. But, my beagle-hound mix sheds like CRAZY!

  3. Cecelia said

    What a great photo, he knows his Daddy loves him. I trim my hair, but I just wear it long, so no huge job there. Hubster shaves his head, since he started losing his hair about 8 years ago. He cuts our youngest’s hair because he likes a high and tight (military cut), easy to just use clippers. Our oldest is letting his grow, such gorgeous wavy hair… but he said last night he is thinking about buzzing it for the summer because it is so hot. We’ll see.

    My beagle is easy, the shepherd on the other hand is blowing her coat really bad right now.


  4. C. Siding said

    Actually Laurie is not allowed to tell me when I need my hair cut. I’ve always wanted Laurie to grow her hair long but she doesn’t want to do so. I think, if I can’t tell her how to wear her hair she can’t tell me. See what she has to put up with. (pardon my preposition)

  5. Gloria said

    Don’t you just love that look beagles get when someone is loving on them. Our Suzie gets that same “dewy” expression.
    It makes your heart melt and of course is effective in getting you to continue to cherish your beagle.
    Those beagles are so cute and clever.

  6. Lynne said

    What a great picture. Gotta love those beagles!!!!

  7. Harper said

    I’ve got to say, my husband is really good about knowing when to cut his hair… he had a buzz cut for about 6 years; I like his hair short, but not buzzed… I grew mine out, knowing he likes long hair (I look much better in short hair!), and finally managed to persuade (read: “nag”) him into growing out his buzz cut.

    Both our Lab and Beagle shed like crazy; so imagine the trouble it is, as we are repainting all the interior walls since the “April Flood”… it’s crazy that the Lab’s fur actually gets thrown all the way up to the top of the walls!!! Levitation perhaps?

  8. Samantha said

    Very cute picture.

  9. C. Siding said

    Sherman’s sole purpose in life is to be loved. We accommodate.

    • Maureen said

      They aren’t called “love sponges” for nothing ya know 🙂 My two will actually put their nuzzles next to your mouth if they feel like they haven’t gotten their daily dose. Totally makes a hard day bearable when you get home from work! They live up to their backwards names don’t they? (D-O-G/G-O-D)

  10. lucy's mom said

    My beagle Lucy is a little snuggle bug, makes up for the times when she is not so well behaved.

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