The Daily Digital

Chronicling the lives of the Kramer beagles and their hard-working domestic help.

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Full house

Posted by laurie on July 3, 2014


The special Fourth of July camp session is in full swing. I texted our neighbor to tell her that we have three additional dogs and sorry about the barking. No worries, she wrote back, we have two additional poodles!

28 Responses to “Full house”

  1. Eleanore, Lucky and Heidi said

    Great picture! I hope none of them are afraid of loud noises with thunder storms due and fireworks tomorrow. You both will have your hands full. Have fun with them.

  2. Karen S. said

    East Millstone has gone to the dogs! And that’s a good thing.

  3. Cody and Henry's Aunt said

    Wow, you have your hands full this weekend! Looks like fun. Have a safe weekend.

  4. Buddy and Holly just heard about your party and want to come too ! LOL WOW – Laurie and Phillip – I can’t imagine having 5 dogs – and fireworks going off. Yikes ! Good Luck

  5. justjenny said

    I am actually jealous…

  6. Luana, Cody, and Henry said

    I am also envious of all the fun you’re going to have with five (count ’em, FIVE) beagles around! Now all you need is to put the beagles and the poodles together and the fireworks will REALLY start!

    Everyone have a safe Fourth of July weekend, people and pets alike.

  7. Susan Hann said

    You’ll need a kennel license soon! Everyone on two legs and four have a safe and happy 4th!

  8. Beaglemom to Ben & Tito said

    Love it! Have fun 🙂

  9. Stephen K. said

    What a nice looking pack…

  10. Steve said

    Happy 4th!

  11. Susan in DE said

    Now we’ll need to invent all the rules for Beagle Poker … first definition is “Full House” = 3 tricolors, 1 freckled/ticked, and 1 lemon beagle. Happy Independence Day Weekend!

  12. Cathy, Gomez, Lily & Mr. Peabz said

    Wow – five beagles! That’s a whole lotta hungry right there!

    I went out a few minutes ago to move my car out of the way of the painters working on the house next door, and when I came back around the corner I saw three little beagle faces peering out the front window at me, wagging and smiling and smearing snooter juice on the window.

    So that would be two tri-colors and 1 freckled/ticked – a winning hand for me!

    • Susan in DE said

      Snooter juice!! Amusing label, still doesn’t make it less yucky! 😀

      • harperlea said

        Not sure… Whisky beagle had snooter juice, but Bartles Basset is SO MUCH WORSE!!!!
        Imagine…. A shine of drool unlike any other And sticky as glue!!!!!

  13. Kaye - Bode's mum said

    LOVE this picture! Five beags – good luck!!

  14. Marci said

    Looks like fun! I’ve always wondered how a pack of beagles get along when it’s feeding time. Keep me posted!

  15. Sue - Barney, Jodi & Huggy's Mom said

    My dream, a pack of Beagles! I am jealous too Jenny. Went out and got a Thunder Shirt for Huggy last night, hope it works.

    Be safe everyone, keep your babies safe too.

  16. When I see photos of two or more beagles, I wonder…..when I adopt (shortly?) shall my house become a one or two beagle family? Three? (not three!!)

    • Two! When the late great Rosco passed away I said never again. Two weeks later I was looking. And six months later I had wonderful Oscar. Spencer was pushed on me. I really really resisted. But now I am very very happy. Except, you know what they say about babies. If the first one is perfect. STOP! The second one will be a brat. True with my two, but a wonderful brat!

      • Hi Donna, I’m about ready to adopt again, it’s been 6 weeks (just a guess) since Scout passed. From past experience, the longer I wait to adopt again, the more I will wonder why it took me so long. So, one dog for now. Unless there’s that special “they have never been apart” adoptable pair. 🙂

        HAPPY Fourth! (and a belated Happy Canada Dyay!)

      • Susan in DE said

        The right one or two or three will find you, Scott!

  17. where I live you can legally have 10 dogs per household. Imagine 10 beagles. Oh My!

    • Ten beagles in one house. Sounds like a great TV Reality Show.

      • Susan in DE said

        We all need to come up with a title for that reality show …. Something like, “The Beagle Bunch” (like The Brady Bunch) …. start working on the theme song!! Something about, “baying and arooing, carpet shampooing … snooter juice and drool, beagle dogs rule!”

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