The Daily Digital

Chronicling the lives of the Kramer beagles and their hard-working domestic help.

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Posted by laurie on March 22, 2011

The brown marmorated stink bug was accidentally introduced to the US in the mid 90s and we’ve had them as long as we’ve lived here. They come in during the cold weather. They’re like itsy bitsy little skunks — leave them alone and they’re benign, but addled they give off a horrible smell. The smell hasn’t really bothered me in the past but this year the population increased and, oh my gosh, do they ever reek. You have to be extra careful picking them up with a tissue because if you squeeze, you lose. They have a habit of landing on illuminated lamps where they are promptly cooked, and one day my cleaning lady called because she could smell smoke. I immediately drove home to the familiar smell of the fried stink bug.

Last night I was reading in bed with Sherman curled up next to me. All of a sudden he woke up, completely alert. Now remember that Sherman can’t hear, so it was not a noise that roused him, but whatever it was caused him to jump off the bed and run into the crate. Of course I knew right away what it was, and I gently removed it from the quilt and sent it swimming with its cousins in the toilet.

12 Responses to “Stinky”

  1. Tom said

    thats really funny. Never knew there was such a bug. Wow…hope my beagle dont wear them in.

  2. Karen S. said

    Hey, it beats bed bugs.

  3. lois said

    Ah – “lovely” stink bugs – we had them in Alabama way back when (before they moved north).

  4. Angela said

    Haha, great entry today! Sherman may not hear very well, but that beagle nose of his will never let him down. That yucky bug jolted him awake! Love today’s pictures, too. I just can’t get over how handsome they both are!

  5. Susan in DE said

    A friend’s college daughter and two of her friends made stink bug costumes for Halloween (mostly duct tape and cardboard, I think). They went to several parties together, and their line was, “We’re stink bugs — we’re everywhere!” I’m going to guess they spent more time hovering around the beer keg rather than any light fixtures. ;->

  6. Harper said

    Not only do we get to see great pictures of the boys but I just keep learning new things! šŸ™‚

  7. Scott said

    Stink Bugs….in the DC/VA/MD area they are awful! And they stay alive for months. I had stink bugs in my condo. And my stuff was in then in storage for 8 months. When I unpacked, I found stink bugs in my dresser drawers (which I didn’t empty for the move) still alive!

    • Martha M said

      Oh, yeah, they are alive and well and plentiful in Richmond. The CREEPIEST thing about them is they look like a miniature Armadillo or an armored vehicle. I actually do not smell them-I used to be terrified to smash them, but one day after carefully capturing and releasing a dozen or so in my house, got mad and justed squish away, gearing up for the BIG STINK. Never smelled a thing, so now I just keep squishing! They are attacted to light, and sound like an incoming missle when they head to the light source!!

      OKAY–totally different subject-
      My neighbor-who loved Shiloh,and has a sweet King Charles Cavalier, Lucy gave me an incredible book “A Dog’s Purpose” by W. Bruce Cameron.
      It should be required reading for all dog lovers/owners. Have any of you read it? I laughed and cried and will never look at a dog the same way again!

  8. Susan in DE said

    Did you ever think there would be a smell so bad that it actually repels beagles, rather than attracting them?

  9. glittergirley said

    My brother moved from CA to MD a couple years ago and the only thing that bothers him are those darn stink bugs! He doesn’t mind the snow (which was so new to him), or the humidity (he’s a big guy and hates moist heat) .. he just wishes the stink bugs would go away already!

    Sometimes I call him and in the span of 2 mins he will have picked off five stink bugs. We also found out that other stink bugs are attracted to the stink scent, so if you let one spray you’ll get even MORE at your house. EW, right?!

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