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Chronicling the lives of the Kramer beagles and their hard-working domestic help.

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Tray tables in their upright position

Posted by laurie on August 26, 2010

Mr. Fox, would you like to come along on my trip? Meet the basset hounds?

Apparently not.

I’ll see you tomorrow from Oregon!

3 Responses to “Tray tables in their upright position”

  1. Angela said

    Look at Stanley stretch his neck out in the first photo, to get Mr. Fox! Love it. Their bodies remind me of bottles when they stretch their neck like this: the long neck, the square, stout shoulders and barrel-shaped body looks just like a bottle!

  2. Susan in DE said

    Man, your dogs are funny — both of them!

  3. Donna & Oscar said

    Yesterday I found a Mr. Fox at our local pet store. Joy Joy. A stuffy toy that Oscar wouldn’t destroy. The sales clerk swore by it, she has a 1.5 year old pit bull and has had this toy for a month. Yeah!

    Within 15 minutes Mr. Fox had a huge hole in it. 😦

    We’re sticking to tennis balls for now. Maybe when Oscar has dentures we can venture to stuffy toys again.

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