The Daily Digital

Chronicling the lives of the Kramer beagles and their hard-working domestic help.

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Camp report #1

Posted by laurie on September 24, 2012

Buddy and Holly settled into camp almost immediately and appear to be having a great time. They especially like the doggy door. Who wouldn’t?! Sherman and Buddy are good friends. They like to wrestle and when they do, Stan and Holly provide color commentary.

They are very sweet dogs and love to cuddle. On the third night we let them onto the bed and that’s where they sleep now. Phillip and I try to sleep there, too.

Uncle Bob is particularly fond of Buddy because he is part beagle and part dachschund. Not long after this shot Sherman decided that he would not share Uncle Bob with Buddy.

Audrey and Kevin: they’re happy and well-behaved and we love having them! Have fun and don’t worry about a thing!

13 Responses to “Camp report #1”

  1. Karen S. said

    Kissy, cuddly, and very sweet! What’s not to like?

  2. ChristyACB said

    Great pictures! I see the magic of Uncle Bob continues unabated. I love that image of Shermie in the last picture. That totally relaxed look where the true cuteness of the back of a beagle head can be enjoyed.

    I see Buddy and Holly are true cuties too. Buddy has what I call, “Boza Face” (say the o with an umlaut: Diaeresis).

  3. harperlea said

    Great pictures!
    I’m impressed that Phillip can fit two pups on his lap…. At my house it’s one at a time…
    Great to see the magic of Uncle Bob again .

  4. Spunky's Mom said

    Oh my gosh, Buddy and Holly are adorable!

    That look on Sherman’s face in the first picture does not say “good friends” to me, however. It’s more like, “Mom, do I HAVE to let him up here???”

    Such sweeties – as always, thanks for the pics.

  5. Day 3 of our.vacation and feeling so relaxed-especially knowing that Buddy and Holly are so well taken care of . Thank you Laurie and Phillip !

  6. Linda UK said

    Absolutely love the photo with Uncle Bob – happiness is being covered with beagles!!

  7. Harper said

    I also noticed Buddy’s “bling”… very nifty… can’t quite tell what it is, just that it’s shiny. 🙂
    And loved what Linda said… Happiness is being covered with beagles….

  8. Peggy said

    Please, can you get a video of the Sherman Smackdown? Pretty Please???

  9. Karen S. said

    Did Uncle Bob ever get another dog? He was so devoted to his last one.

    • No, we did not get another dog … yet! We are still looking for a dachshund puppy. I emphasize puppy becase 14 cats have to get used to it. I spend so much time on PetFinder and have filled out so many applications. It seems as though it might be easier to adopt a child than a dachshund. Any dog that came to live with us woud be lucky. There is no silence so loud as that of a house without a dog. If anyone knows of a dachshund puppy looking for a forever home with a lot of cats, a huge yard, and a big bed, please let us know.

      Aunt Nancy (I am seldom in the pictures because of Uncle Bob’s beagle magnet)

  10. Luana, Cody, and Henry said

    Keep those precious beagle pics coming! What’s better than pictures of 2 beagles? PIctures of 4 beagles!

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